Product | Code | Type | Category | Price | Quantity | Action |
05A Toner Cartridge CF505
In Good State |
0001 | Collectible | Printing | 180 | 5 | |
10m HDMI Cable
In Good State |
0105 | Collectible | Media | 0 | 1 | |
20m HDMI Cable
In Good State |
0106 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 1 | |
2K Polythene Bags (b/s Bundle)
In Good State |
0077 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 63 | 2 | |
A Midsummer Night's Dream
In Good State |
0002 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 25 | |
A Textbook Of Music
In Good State |
0003 | Sellable | Books | 30 | 25 | |
A+ Series English
In Good State |
0004 | Sellable | Books | 45 | 14 | |
A+ Series Mathematics
In Good State |
0005 | Sellable | Books | 50 | 14 | |
Admission Guide
In Good State |
0047 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 17 | |
Air Freshner
In Good State |
0078 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 4.7 | 38 | |
Aki-Ola Core Mathematics
In Good State |
048 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 50 | 40 | |
Aki-Ola Elective Mathematics
In Good State |
0006 | Sellable | Books | 50 | 2 | |
Aki-Ola Physics
In Good State |
0007 | Sellable | Books | 40 | 25 | |
All Inclusive Goverment
In Good State |
0008 | Sellable | Books | 35 | 24 | |
Ama At The Computer Shop" (ICT)
In Good State |
0009 | Sellable | Books | 25 | 200 | |
Apple Charger
In Good State |
0107 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 7 | |
Apple Charger (Macbook)
In Good State |
0113 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 7 | |
Apple Macbook 11
In Good State |
0108 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 13 | |
Apple Macbook 14"
In Good State |
0109 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 25 | |
In Good State |
0076 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 20 | 14 | |
Ativa HDMI Cable (12ft)
In Good State |
0110 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 1 | |
Ativa HDMI Cable (6ft)
In Good State |
0111 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 43 | |
Atta Kay Physics Vol. 1
In Good State |
0010 | Sellable | Books | 40 | 63 | |
Atta Kay Physics Vol. 2
In Good State |
0011 | Sellable | Books | 40 | 80 | |
Attendance Register
In Good State |
0012 | Collectible | Books | 7.5 | 59 | |
Azal Disinfectant 5L
In Good State |
0079 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 50 | 5 | |
Business Management Book1
In Good State |
0013 | Sellable | Books | 50 | 10 | |
Business Management Book2
In Good State |
0014 | Sellable | Books | 50 | 10 | |
Camel Antiseptic
In Good State |
0052 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 10 | 116 | |
Camera Bag
In Good State |
0121 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Camera Battery
In Good State |
114 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 0 | 3 | |
Camera Cleaning Kit (Movo)
In Good State |
0115 | Collectible | Computer & Accessories | 4 | 4 | |
Camphor (Egg Shape)
In Good State |
0080 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 6 | 85 | |
Canon Camera 5D (EOS 5D Mark IV)
In Good State |
0117 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Canon Camera 80D (EOS80)
In Good State |
0116 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Canon Lens (RF 24-70mm)
In Good State |
0118 | Collectible | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Canon Lens 50mm
In Good State |
0120 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Car Duster
In Good State |
0081 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 5 | 5 | |
Card Reader
In Good State |
0119 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Catholic Hymnal
In Good State |
0053 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 12 | 381 | |
Not usable/In Bad State |
0054 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 50 | 4 | |
Commander Gimble (Monopod)
In Good State |
0122 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Commander Speedlight
In Good State |
0123 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Commander V30 Camera Microphone
In Good State |
0114 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 1 | |
Composition Book
In Good State |
0015 | Collectible | Books | 0 | 26 | |
Courtesy & Manners For Young 1
In Good State |
0016 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 18 | |
Courtesy & Manners For Young 2
In Good State |
0017 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 17 | |
Crane2 S Gimble
In Good State |
0125 | Returnable | Media | 0 | 2 | |
CRS Bible (Revised Standard Version)
In Good State |
0018 | Collectible | Books | 30 | 342 | |
CRS For SHS (Sarps Series)
In Good State |
0019 | Sellable | Books | 33 | 42 | |
Disposable Nose Mask
In Good State |
0082 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 2 | |
In Good State |
0055 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 6 | 714 | |
In Good State |
0083 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 230 | |
Economics Pack
In Good State |
0020 | Sellable | Books | 5 | 265 | |
Economics Past Questions (Q&A)
In Good State |
0021 | Sellable | Books | 25 | 30 | |
Exeat Card
In Good State |
0056 | Collectible | Books | 5 | 123 | |
In Good State |
0022 | Sellable | Books | 0 | 2 | |
Fences (August Wilson)
In Good State |
0023 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 30 | |
First Aid In Physical Geography
In Good State |
0024 | Sellable | Books | 50 | 3 | |
Floor Wipe
In Good State |
0084 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 4 | |
Four-In-One Note On Poetry
In Good State |
0025 | Collectible | Books | 11 | 52 | |
Glass Clean
In Good State |
0085 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 3 | |
Good News Bible
In Good State |
0057 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 17 | 174 | |
Hand Glove
In Good State |
0086 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 7 | 29 | |
Hand Glove (Hard)
In Good State |
0087 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 12 | 1 | |
Hand Sanitizer 200/250ml
In Good State |
0088 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 888 | |
Hand Sanitizer 5L
In Good State |
0089 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 8 | |
Harvest Of Corruption
In Good State |
0026 | Collectible | Books | 0 | 1 | |
How To Make Excellent Grades
In Good State |
027 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 21 | |
How To Study Effectively
In Good State |
0027 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 21 | |
Human & Regional Geography2 (PAK)
In Good State |
0028 | Sellable | Books | 30 | 22 | |
Integrated Science Past Question (Makan's Series)
In Good State |
0029 | Sellable | Books | 40 | 104 | |
Invisible Man
In Good State |
0030 | Sellable | Books | 20 | 33 | |
Kaya Girl
In Good State |
0050 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 16 | 51 | |
Kleesoft Washing Power 180g
In Good State |
0090 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 74 | |
Library Books
In Good State |
0031 | Collectible | Books | 0 | 540 | |
Life Clock
In Good State |
0051 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 7.5 | 95 | |
Liquid Soap 5L
In Good State |
0091 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 20 | |
Long Broom (Plastic)
In Good State |
0092 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 61 | |
Making Effective Career Decision
In Good State |
0032 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 18 | |
Mapwork For WASSCE Geography
In Good State |
0033 | Sellable | Books | 15 | 85 | |
Mathematical Instrument
In Good State |
0058 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 5 | 91 | |
Modern Chemistry (Sarps Series)
In Good State |
0034 | Sellable | Books | 40 | 34 | |
In Good State |
0093 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 43 | |
Mop Bucket
In Good State |
0094 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 3 | |
Mosquito Net
In Good State |
0059 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 20 | 147 | |
My Companion
In Good State |
0060 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 10 | 683 | |
Native Son
In Good State |
0035 | Sellable | Books | 0 | 2 | |
Nose Mask (Fabric)
In Good State |
0061 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 0 | 1293 | |
Olag branded bed Sheet and pillow case
In Good State |
olagbedsheet | Sellable | Student Supplies | 30 | 402 | |
Olag Exercise Book
In Good State |
0062 | Sellable | Student Supplies | 1.6 | 710 | |
Olag Graph Book
In Good State |
0064 | Sellable | Student Supplies | 5 | 200 | |
Olag Notebook
In Good State |
0063 | Sellable | Student Supplies | 6 | 487 | |
Order Of Mass
In Good State |
0065 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 2.5 | 9 | |
In Good State |
0036 | Sellable | Books | 0 | 4 | |
Paper Towel
In Good State |
0095 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 4 | |
Physical Geog, Statistical Maps & Diagrams Workboo
In Good State |
0038 | Collectible | Books | 35 | 10 | |
Physical Geography (Right Hour)
In Good State |
0037 | Collectible | Books | 30 | 8 | |
Power Zone 1L
In Good State |
0096 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 40 | |
Prayer Book
In Good State |
0066 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 2.5 | 90 | |
Prof. Quarm Integrated Science
In Good State |
0039 | Collectible | Books | 45 | 62 | |
Scientific Calculator (OS-991ES)
In Good State |
0067 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 90 | 94 | |
Scrubbing Brush Long
In Good State |
0097 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 52 | |
Scrubbing Brush Short
In Good State |
0098 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 2 | |
Second-Class Citizen
In Good State |
0040 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 41 | |
Sedco English Language Book 1
In Good State |
0068 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 27 | 85 | |
Sedco English Language Book 2
In Good State |
0069 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 27 | 83 | |
Sedco English Language Book 3
In Good State |
0070 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 27 | 43 | |
She Stoops To The Conquer
In Good State |
0041 | Sellable | Books | 0 | 2 | |
Simplex Social Studies Texbook
In Good State |
0071 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 35 | 84 | |
Social Studies Past Questions (Ultimate Publicatio
In Good State |
0042 | Sellable | Books | 35 | 115 | |
Solution Board With Graph
In Good State |
0072 | Sellable | Student Supplies | 20 | 100 | |
Student Handbook
In Good State |
0073 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 0 | 177 | |
Student Socks
In Good State |
0074 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 2 | 10 | |
Systematic Approach Biology
In Good State |
0043 | Sellable | Books | 45 | 44 | |
Teach Yourself Economics
In Good State |
0044 | Sellable | Books | 35 | 119 | |
The Lion And the Jewel
In Good State |
0045 | Sellable | Books | 10 | 38 | |
The Son Of Umbele
In Good State |
0075 | Collectible | Student Supplies | 10 | 428 | |
Theory Of Music
In Good State |
0046 | Sellable | Books | 30 | 25 | |
Toilet Brush
In Good State |
0099 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 15 | |
Toilet Brush (s/s)
In Good State |
0100 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 15 | |
Toilet Roll
In Good State |
0101 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 287 | |
Veronica Bucket
In Good State |
0102 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 4 | |
Wastebin (b/s)
In Good State |
0104 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 32 | |
Wastebin (s/s)
In Good State |
0103 | Collectible | Cleaning & Sanitation | 0 | 5 |